Real Estate

Should you remove asbestos from your home or leave it there?

In the 1970s, it became clear that prolonged exposure to asbestos could cause respiratory problems, cancer, and many other health problems. According to most experts, asbestos hysteria became common because asbestos was found everywhere, such as houses, supermarkets, schools, churches, and offices.

As a result, people began looking for ways to remove asbestos from houses, apartments, and buildings. In addition, the governments of many countries began to ban and phase out the production of asbestos. Over the decades, most of the asbestos has been removed from structures around the world. However, there is still a lot to be done. Since asbestos removal is dangerous, people wonder if they should remove it or keep it there.

Keep in mind that living in a home with asbestos may not pose a health risk. Most people who have asbestos-related health problems are exposed to this material for years as employees in the factories where this material is produced.

However, in homes, this material tends to deteriorate over time. Alternatively, it can be damaged or disturbed, resulting in the release of this material into the air. Since this product has a lot of staying power, it can stay in the air in your house for years. When you breathe, the fibers go into your lungs.

Over time, the fibers accumulate in the lungs, which can cause mesothelioma and cancer. In a building, it can be found in cement, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, soundproofing tiles, siding, fiberboard, insulation, and paint.

asbestos in a house

If a professional visited your home to test for asbestos and the test results came back positive, what would you do next? This decision depends on many factors.

If asbestos is found in things in your home that can be disturbed, be sure to remove the material. Apart from this, any type of disturbance such as sawing fiberboard or sanding paint can contain this material.

Also, if the asbestos is in good condition in the form of plumbing piles or insulation, you can leave it there. However, it is better to cover or seal these things. Sealing can be done with special products designed to coat asbestos products and bind the fibers. This will prevent the emission of the fibers.

Regardless of the method you choose, we suggest that you retain the services of a professional contractor. Although government health agencies encourage homeowners to have this substance removed by professionals, you can remove it yourself. Since the professionals are quite expensive, you need to use the right tools and follow the correct steps to remove the substance.

It is better to opt for hand tools instead of power tools to minimize dust during the removal process. Other than this, you may want to try a vacuum to clean up and sweep up excess material. Be sure to keep the material wet or damp, which will prevent the fibers from mixing with the air.

So this was an introduction to asbestos and whether or not you should remove it.

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