Digital Marketing

Stereotypes about website design that are not always true

Technologies are increasingly advanced and companies live on technologies. Many customers who are not aware of website design technologies but have heard a lot about websites and their technologies developed. Due to the things they heard, they gathered some knowledge about website design and made some perceptions or stereotypes that are not entirely true. It’s a matter of fact that people outside of the community, whatever it is, have made some stereotypes based on fact that are irrelevant and most of them are false. While few things they saw or heard may be correct at the time under some specific conditions.

Here we list some of the most common stereotypes that we actually encounter with our clients and the people around us:

• A website designer is a programmer – It is the most common stereotype of the people around us who think that the website designer is a good programmer. Many students are also confused because they thought that to be a website designer or developer they must be good programmers, which is not true. Here, I want to clarify that, a website designer has basic knowledge of programming so that he can afford to go through with the database in the backend.

• Expensive = Good – In general, the perception about the website designer is that if the cost of the service is expensive, then the work would be good and more qualified or cost cheaper than they are not good or not qualified, but it is not completely true. A talented and qualified web developer can charge little but produce outstanding work. Here, the prediction of the quality of the work depends on the rating charged by the web developer, which means that the client thought that the more he pays, the better work we get. But don’t remember that expensive is good and cheap is less qualified, so choose wisely based on your past work experience.

• Lack of Social Skills – The fact is that web designers are engaged in much deeper work, so they do not have time to take care of their appearance and talk to others. Due to work, they loved to live alone and this would lead to an introverted personality and their appearance would disappoint others with jeans, t-shirts, messy hair and glasses. However, we live in a world where your appearance says a lot to others, web designers must be careful with their image.

• Male designers are better – Female web designers are not considered as good as male web designers. The concepts behind that is that they always tend to stay away from machines and we also think that women are not able to grasp technologies as fast as men. But, with time, female web designers are also making their mark in the industry as one of the best web designers, but they are still few. Personally, I barely saw a woman in the web design industry as she worked at three different companies.

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