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The behind-the-scenes secret that leads to the end-time apostasy

Paul to the Thessalonian church, nervous because the wrath of God of the end times had already begun, explains the secret behind the scenes that will lead to the apostasy (fall) of the church and many believers. This was his attempt to prove that the coming of the Lord was not near at his time. However, the events that Paul explains must take place before the coming of Christ are now prevalent in today’s society.

WHAT IS THE APOSTASY – An apostasy, a departure, a desertion of the faith, an abandonment of the Lord.


As described in 2 Thessalonians 2, the Thessalonians were concerned and shaken by what the false teachers were saying about the coming of Christ. He tells them not to be alarmed, for the day of God’s wrath has not yet come. Two things will signal his arrival: First a specific “falling away” must come, and the antichrist will be revealed as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, “Do not deceive anyone in any way; apostasy, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”

Paul goes on to state that these two events will not reach their fulfillment until “letting…be taken away” occurs as described in verse 7. The complete apostasy will not be fulfilled until God has removed Christians from the earth. and the influence of the Holy Spirit no longer restrain lawlessness. This will allow the antichrist to enter this world. He will reveal himself three and a half years after the tribulation when he proclaims himself as God. However, the Holy Spirit will remain on earth to convict people of their sins, convert them to Christ, and empower them.


2 Thessalonians 2:7 “For the ‘mystery of iniquity’ is already at work: only he who now stops, will stop, until he is taken out of the way.”

Throughout the entire church age, a “mystery of iniquity” is at work, reminding us that the end is near. The evil will get progressively worse as the story comes to an end.

The “mystery of iniquity” is a secret or behind-the-scenes activity of evil powers throughout human history, preparing the way for apostasy and the antichrist. Read today’s headlines and you can see an attempt to remove God from all areas of society and even the church.

It is a deceptive process that traps unbelievers and prepares many within the church to turn away from the true faith and accept the lie embodied in the apostate church. It implies a spirit or movement against true Biblical faith and divine law; he seeks to free himself from moral restraint and indulge in sin.

Although this spirit already existed in the days of Paul, it will especially prevail in the world and in Christianity towards the end of the age.

2 Timothy 4:3-5

Because the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but, following their own desires, a great multitude of teachers will gather around them to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn to the myths. But you, be prudent in all situations, bear hardships, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill all the duties of your ministry.”

The “mystery of iniquity,” the behind-the-scenes activity of evil powers, will escalate until it reaches its climax in compliance with and disregard for the rules and commandments held sacred in the Bible. Because of a prevailing spirit of lawlessness, the love of many will grow cold. However, a faithful remnant will remain loyal to the apostolic faith as revealed in the NT (Rev. 2:7). Through these faithful people, the church will continue to be a warrior church, wielding the sword of the Spirit until it is taken from the world.


The “apostasy” within the church will have two dimensions:


Theological apostasy is the departure from and rejection of part or all of the original teachings of Christ and the apostles. False leaders will offer salvation and cheap grace and ignore Christ’s demand for repentance, separation from immorality, and loyalty to God and His standards. False gospels that focus on the wants, needs, and self-interest goals of human beings will become popular. It is hard to find a church that teaches the true word and promotes social activism.


Moral apostasy is the breaking of the saving relationship with Christ and the return to sin and immorality. Apostates can proclaim correct doctrine and NT teaching. However, abandoning God’s moral standards. Many churches will put up with almost anything for the sake of numbers, money, success, and honor. The gospel of the cross with its call to suffer the shame of the world (Philippians 1:29), to radically renounce sin, to sacrifice for the kingdom of God, and to deny self will become rare.


Hebrews 3:12 “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, to turn away from the living God.”

To apostatize means to break one’s saving relationship with Christ or withdraw from vital union with true faith in Him. Individual apostasy, therefore, is possible only for those who have first experienced salvation, regeneration, and renewal by the Spirit. Holy (Hebrews 6:4-6).

Paul mentions the Antichrist, not necessarily to help us recognize him, but to urge us to prepare for anything that might threaten our faith. If our faith is strong, we should not be afraid of what awaits us. Our task is to be prepared for Christ and to spread the Good News so that others are also prepared.

2 Timothy 4:3-5 “But you, be prudent in all situations, endure hardships, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill all the duties of your ministry.”

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