
The secrets of wealth creation open to all!

Most people who fail at building wealth fall into two main categories: they have no plan at all, or they are bouncing between a few different methods. Consistency generates results, how can you find what works for you if you only give it 5 minutes?

So here are some tips:

1/ Write exactly what you want to achieve.

A written plan gives you a firm commitment, it also allows you to come back later and see how you are doing. You’ll find that writing it down makes it more realistic, since it’s in black and white, not just talking that can easily be ignored if it fails.

2/ Add to this a realistic time scale to do it.

I have always found that mind maps are great for this as they show the development of your business and build on each success. With the time scale, it’s better to really split it up, 1 sale a day doesn’t sound like a lot, but $12740 a year is. The reality is that based on an average sale of $35, they are the same. So you’re just narrowing it down to a number that you’re more willing to accept, once the sales start flowing you’re going to get a lot more ambitious. But when you look back you see the progress and also $12740 is still paying some bills so it’s nothing to sneeze at.

3/ Choose a unique method or strategy.

There are hundreds of methods out there, too much information, read some people’s wealth building methods and then choose the best one for you. It’s more important that it’s something you can maintain, don’t commit to a strategy of building a few web pages a day and 10 articles if you really can’t write well. The tortoise beat the hare in the end; Sometimes starting slow means you understand more and can build a firm foundation for a long-term business.

4/ Review your progress weekly, monthly, yearly.

Keep records and have a set time to review your progress, this will help tremendously and could also be a foundation for helping others through this stage in the future. All plans need adjustments; This is how you avoid wasting time and effort that is better spent on earning more money. This is where having others in a similar situation is very helpful, you can brainstorm together. But make sure that some people are already successful and can teach you how to deal with problems that arise.

5/ Accept that it requires effort and hard work.

There is no way to get rich, if you are not prepared to put in the effort, just get a job and find something else that makes you happy. The good thing is that there are many role models that you also identify with. These will show you the rewards and often with a little help and effort you can become rich and follow your dreams.

These 5 secrets to building wealth are simple and they work, giving you a framework as you go about business. I also found out that it is a rare individual who can do this alone; most of us develop faster with mentoring and help. So consider one of the pools out there, it will save you a lot of time and realistically save you years of wasted effort. There is an old saying that there is nothing new under the sun, every rich person has gone through what you are experiencing so learn from them. I know that if I can do it, anyone can do it, so I wish you success in your wealth creation and all your dreams and maybe I’ll meet you in the group forum.

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