Lifestyle Fashion

To use the third principle of Huna – Makia, energy flows where attention goes

This is the third article in my series of articles introducing the principles of Huna, the ancient Hawaiian wisdom.

This third principle is Huna: Makia, energy flows where attention goes.

Become the master of the game

As we saw in the article on Huna’s first principle, Ike the world is what you think it is, you are the main actor and director of your reality. In my opinion, Makia is the concept that sustains and strengthens Ike. In fact, things in your life have power over you because you give them that power.

By focusing your mind on one aspect of a situation, you strengthen its power. Perhaps you have the impression that you do not have the power to change your life, to manifest your dreams. Perhaps you dream of one day finding a magic wand to manifest your desires. I will tell you a secret: you already have this magical instrument in the form of your mind and your concentration. Everything is energy and your mind is the instrument capable of directing its flow.

When you focus your mind, you transform it into a channel in which the infinite energy of creation is immersed. You become the prism through which light is focused and projected as a rainbow wave. When you focus your mind on a subject, you become one with it, as it is said with Kala, since there is no limit.

Therefore we can say that you are all-powerful in the sense that you are the one who empowers or disempowers things and people in your life. Take the example of a night when you meet someone who frustrates you deeply. If you focus on that person, on the negative feelings that he provokes in you, then you give him the power to ruin your evening. If you don’t and focus on the positive things around you then you deprive it of all power over you.

By mastering your thoughts, you distribute the cards to the people and things around you. You become the master of the game of your life.

Learn to focus your mind

The more your mind is completely focused on a subject, the more you will focus your energy on it. Therefore, the key to the manifestation of their desires is an individual’s ability to focus on a desire away from any distractions.
So I will present some exercises that I hope will help you better understand the possibilities inherent in Makia.

1 – In his presentation of Huna, Serge Kahili King did a very interesting exercise. Pick up a chair, for example, and try to lift it by holding it by the back. Focus on the meat, feel its weight. He now repeats the exercise focusing on the area 1 foot above the chair. You will see that the meat will seem much lighter. Energy flows where attention goes. This exercise is useful when doing weight training, for example.

2 – There is another exercise to develop your efficiency that is well known. Choose a topic that requires your concentration (cleaning, filling out the tax form, writing an article for your blog…). Ask yourself “where is my point of attention now?” You will immediately know. It can be on an object or on your body. As I write this article I feel it in my belly on the left. Now try to visualize this point moving to position itself on the object that requires your concentration. You will feel that as your perception changes your mind focuses on the subject.

3 – Another exercise that I use when I work on my desires. Close your eyes and visualize the object of your desire in the distance. Then see a ray of light as a straight path leading from your mind to the center of your desire. Feel that you become one with this path and let yourself be absorbed by your desire. If other thoughts or feelings arise, imagine that they are dismissed by the ray of light. Nothing exists except your desire and you. You become one.

4 – Now you will feel the energy moving in your body. First you focus on some area of ​​a body. If you can, focus on an area of ​​tension or a place that hurts. feel it Now, while keeping your awareness on it, you also focus on your feet or your hands. Soon you will feel like a current flowing from the point of pain to the end of your limbs. By focusing your mind, you are circulating the energy and relieving the painful area. You experience Makia.

Aim for the moon and worst case you’ll hit the stars

Do you know what is the secret of those who have achieved their dreams and have fascinated people throughout history? It is not your ability to avoid the pitfalls and obstacles of life. Because all the great men and women in history have failed. His secret lies in his ability to stay focused on his dreams no matter what.

We often fall short of our goals because we leave as soon as we encounter obstacles or failures. But if we stay focused we will always reach for the stars. As Makia tells us, focusing your mind is the most effective way to empower dreams. So go ahead!

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