Lifestyle Fashion

Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Acne!

Acne vulgaris is perhaps one of the most feared problems many people face. The main cause behind the fear is obviously the degree of “loss of confidence” that this problem causes in the population than the actual injury. But with rightly chosen homeopathic remedies, we can halt the progress of the disease and end the threat by providing soft and supple skin to the ‘beauty conscious’ generation.

Causing factors of acne

Excess oil secretion from the sebaceous glands is considered to be the main cause of acne vulgaris, which mainly affects teenagers. However, in some people, the problem lasts longer, even in their 30s and 40s.

Although oil secretion is said to be one of the main causes, excess oil secretion in certain diseases like acromagaly, Parkinson’s disease, etc., does not cause acne. Therefore, androgen hormones from the testes, ovaries, and adrenal glands are believed to be to blame for enhancing oil production in the skin. That is why the peak period for acne breakouts is in adolescence, when these hormone levels undergo many changes. The oil when it clogs the pores of the skin can cause one or another infection that leads to acne.

However, it is said that acne is also a family trait. The causes lie far below the so-called increased sebum production. It is not surprising that homeopathy has a lot to offer acne patients, as the causal factors can be varied, which can be effectively treated only with the homeopathic medicines applied to acne patient homeopathically.

Clinical features of acne

As with any skin problem, acne vulgaris can be roughly classified into mild, moderate, and severe. The rashes or lesions can be limited to the face, shoulders, upper chest, back, buttocks, etc. One may notice oily skin. Blackheads may be the presenting feature in some. In some, acne can be very severe with formation of abscesses and heavily scarred cysts. Lesions can be macular, papular, or rash-like in many patients. Acne rosacea is the variety that affects middle-aged men and women. It is characterized by marked red rashes, pustules, etc. without formation of black spots.

Acne removal by strong chemical agents

Most acne vulgaris patients are young children entering their teens, when they want to look their best. Therefore, most turn to creams, ointments and lotions that they find attractively advertised through various mediums. Some do better at the moment. However, in most cases, these measures are only temporary. They give only palliative results until the person uses the particular local application and the acne returns completely aggravated once it is stopped.

Worse still, the acne is suppressed and the disturbed life force affects some more vital organ and the person begins to suffer a disease more serious than acne after it is suppressed. Any suppressed skin eruption does not cure the patient but makes it worse on some other vital plane. (See article-). I have seen many patients say, “It was much better to have acne than this suffering” after suppressing acne. DO NOT delete them.

It certainly doesn’t mean that you don’t have the right to look beautiful! Only your skin needs a gentler treatment that will eliminate acne permanently with gentler homeopathic medicines that suit your constitution.

Homeopathic acne treatment

According to the homeopathic principle, local application is a strict NO while treating acne or any other skin rash. Let the medicine act on a higher plane to allow the body to understand the disorder in one of its spheres (here the skin) and eradicate the disease process by alleviating the symptoms of the disease. For this to happen, the homeopathic expert must know the patient’s constitution, family history, mental and physical features, and any concomitant symptoms and signs if present.

One of the most important things to remember when treating the acne patient is: “Give more importance to subjective symptoms than to objective ones, and you will rarely go wrong in treating acne.”

Here is the list of some important homeopathic medicines to think about when treating acne:

(1) Asterias rubens-

– Considered one of the main drugs for the treatment of acne.

– Itchy acne

– The skin appears less elastic

– Acne eruptions with foul pus

– Acne rosacea

– Acne affecting the back, shoulders, sides of the nose and chin.

– Flaccid patient with lymphatic constitution

– Psychotic diathesis

– Sexual arousal in both sexes.

– Fear of bad news in teenagers.

– Worse brown, left side

(2) Belladonna-

– Red-hot facial skin

– Scarlet acne resembling a rash

– Acne lesions that spread suddenly

– Alternative redness and dullness of the skin.

– Pustular eruptions on the skin

– Skin feels slightly red but burns

– Acne that causes swelling of the glands of the neck and chin.

– Bluish-red acne lesions

– Bright red rashes

(3) Dulcamara-

– One of the underrated remedies for acne.

– Moist rashes on the face

– Acne lesions itch, worse in cold, wet weather.

– Vesicular eruptions

– Small boils that spread evenly over the face and forehead.

– May be associated with warty eruptions on hands and face.

– Acne worse around the menstrual period.

– Mucous membrane disorders are often concomitant

– Worse from cold in any form, better from heat

(4) Merc sol-

– Syphilitic acne

– Earthy, puffy and dirty-looking face.

– Pustular acne

– Skin that constantly perspires

– A large pimple surrounded by many small pimples.

– Rashes that itch worse from the heat of the bed.

– Eruptions in private parts, buttocks.

– Skin and mucous membranes affected at the same time.

– Pus yellowish brown or greenish due to pustular acne, may be streaked with fine blood

– Extremely fetid suppuration

– Worse extreme temperatures, night, humidity, perspiration

(5) Graphites

– The sensation of cobweb on the face is one of the most marked characteristics of Graph

– Itchy grains

– Constipated intestines are a frequent accompaniment.

– Rough and hard skin of the face

– Persistent dryness of the skin.

– Acne that oozes a sticky exudation.

– Pimple rashes behind the ears

– Unhealthy skin with a tendency to ooze

– Redness of the face

– Burning acne with sticky discharges

– Worse heat, during and after menstruation

– Better in a dark room

(6) Bovista-

– Acne in sensitive girls

– Crusty rashes around the mouth and nostrils.

– Acne from excessive use of cosmetics

– Look of puffy cheeks

– Sensitive skin with a tendency to leave a deep mark with blunt instruments

– Itchy rashes

– You may have had an attack of hives or a tendency to recurrent hives.

– Grains that cover the whole body

– Acne is always worse in summer.

(7) Brominated radius

– Acne rosacea with rashes with red pimples

– Small rashes with itching, burning, swelling and redness.

– Excessive itching with burning of the skin as if it were on fire.

– Painful pimples

– Acne with scars that take time to heal

– May be associated with itchy skin dermatitis and / or trophic changes in the nails

– Acne seems worse after getting up in the morning.

– Better outdoors and in a hot bath.

(8) Arnica

– Painful acne with a painful sensation of bruises on the skin.

– Reddened sunken face with a sensation of heat on the lips.

– Burning grains that itch

– Acne can occur on crops; one heals and the new rash rises near him

– Indurated acne characterized by symmetry in distribution.

– Bluish appearance of the skin with a tendency to form boils.

– Worse from hard wine

(9) Kali brom-

– Itchy pimples on the face, chest, shoulders, etc.

– Pustular eruptions

– Anesthetic sensation on the skin of the face and mucous membranes.

– Exaggerated sexual desire in women who suffer from acne during menstruation

– Extremely restless hands are one of the main characteristics of the drug.

– Horrible dreams and teeth grinding during sleep are usually an accompaniment.

– Worse heat

(10) Calcareous sulf

– suppurative tendency of the skin

– Toothed pustular eruptions with oozing yellow mucus

– Facial pimples

– Unhealthy skin with yellowish crusts

– Many small pimples under the hair that bleed when scratched.

– Purulent acne exudations.

– Acne lesions that do not heal quickly.

Pimples around the ears with a tendency to bleed when scratched

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