
Top 5 Steps to Prepare for Success in High School

College planning seems a long way off, and parents of high school or high school students are unsure of their place in this process. If you have a sixth through eighth grade student, your early college planning starts now!

Now is the time to lay the foundation for success in high school (and college admission). One step taken now can eliminate ten panic steps that were taken during your junior or senior year of high school.

As an independent college counselor, I have worked with dozens of families who wish they knew what to plan ahead. When a student is beginning their senior year, it is impossible for me to ask them to improve their class rank, grades, classes taken, or activities, all factors that would greatly facilitate admission to college.

Here are your top five steps to prepare for success in high school:

1. Get the best grades and learn.Take this opportunity to build a strong academic foundation and develop skills in reading, problem solving, writing, math, listening, communication, and analysis.

2. Taking challenging courses. All students must be challenged in their academic classes. Struggling students can meet the challenge of enrichment courses; Take this opportunity to catch up. Some students will have enough challenges with the regular curriculum, while others may have the option of advanced classes.

Depending on your school system, high school classes may be offered to seventh or eighth grade students. These courses are a great way to challenge the best students. Just remember that if high school credit is awarded, these classes and grades will appear on the transcript sent to colleges.

3. Experiment with interests and activities. The focus is not resume building; Activities allow students the opportunity to expand their talents, interests, and strengths. Electives help, but students need to get used to participating in extracurricular activities. You are not limited to school activities. Consider community organizations, youth groups, sports, and volunteer opportunities.

4. Develop organizational and study skills. Students who effectively transition from elementary school, learn to prioritize, balance the demands of classes and activities, organize their work, and take responsibility for themselves will be ready for the challenges of high school. Children are not perfect and in the process of developing their independence they will make mistakes. Better now than in high school.

5. Promotion of positive peer groups. Grades 6-8 are times of social challenge. Unfortunately, these are also years when many students begin to associate with “the wrong people” out of the desire to belong. Sex and drug use are obvious problems, but beware of peers who don’t value academics because those attitudes can rub off on others.

Colleges focus on student achievement in high school, so grades 6-8 are your dress rehearsal for what’s to come.

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