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Transformational change

Transformational change has an effect on all phases of an organization, from the front-line employee, the facilities staff to the external business development team. Although these positions may not be directly related to the overall business and the delivery of goods, they are essential to overall business performance and can have an impact on the large-scale change that might be occurring within the organization. In this exercise, you will address internal and external stakeholders and how they are affected by transformational change. In addition, human resources will be explored in relation to personal policies that can harm or help the change process. Finally, organizational culture will be approached as a performance link for transformational change. The organization to be examined will be an education corporation and the viewpoint adopted will be that of an organizational development consultant.

Internal and external stakeholders

Leadership must keep stakeholders in mind when seeking to create change in organizational culture through change. According to Marino (2007), organizations are increasingly involving stakeholders in the change process as a potential focus group or even an expert group for ideas to discuss the successes and potential ramifications of change. When entering an organization, consultants will need to have a game plan when working with leadership regarding what has been tested, implemented, and proven to be successful. Additionally, consultants should have a timeline, given by leaders, for when these tactics have been used. For example, when was the last internal stakeholder meeting and what was accomplished? In this case, the consultant can get a lot of information from the leadership, such as the questions and answers given by the stakeholders, the meeting agenda and what was covered and according to the mission and vision statements of Marino (2007), update or fundamental values ​​and goals.

Whether leadership deals with internal or external stakeholders, it is important that there is a central vision and that everyone understands what steps are necessary to improve and why they are important. Keeping records of all the information provided will also help the organization with learning, but also a detailed record of what has been tested and used in the past.

In the organization under review, multiple focus groups and social media questionnaires were sent to stakeholders within the organization, as well as external customers and vendors. It is this interruption of the writers that these actions are used to measure the temperature of the culture that surrounds the organization to see if it is suitable for change or any future changes. What has been observed is that there has been a change so the temperature of the stakeholders must have been adequate.

Human Resources Personnel Police

Depending on the change or organizational change, human resources will need to complete some update of their systems. Whether it’s an addition or a merger within the corporate structure or the removal of a department, HR will need to be held accountable for any changes that are made. As a consultant, identifying the necessary changes that will affect the human resource system in response to change is a key component, while according to Edgley, Huisman (2011), the employee and human capital component of the organization is taken into account Duberly and Burns (1993). )) explored how organizations change and how it affects the HR system. At a micro level of change, traditional HR policies should not be affected and could continue to deliver on change within the organization. Larger changes will have a significant impact, for example training policies, long-term strategy or anything within the macro organizational level could change the dynamics of the organization and cause policies to shift and / or change. Consultants should be able to address these macro changes and help think of solutions for these affected areas.

Higher education is constantly changing with new rules and regulations. The organization under study has made many changes at the macro level including organizational learning, training and culture. For example, HR has released many different leadership modules that, when used, can help employees grow professionally. This is an example of a positive change at the macro level.

Organizational culture

Something has already been said about organizational culture and its effects on transformational change. In this author’s opinion, if culture is not addressed during the change process, change will almost certainly fail. Zabid, Sambasivan, and Azmanwani (2004) explored organizational change and found that change is a unique process for each organization, but an organized culture must be established. Employee attitudes can be difficult to change if there is no confidence in their leadership, and many factors can affect change, such as organization size, internal and external factors, and initial advancement. Culture, according to Zabid, Sambasivan and Azmanwani (2004) are values ​​and beliefs of the organization and its members. If these values ​​and beliefs are altered during a change process, resistance to change could occur in the future. As a consultant to an organization, completing a cultural assessment would be a first step in analyzing whether or not the organization is ready to change and whether extensive communication has taken place. Cameron and Quinn (2011) provide an assessment that could be used as the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument or OCAI. This assessment can help determine what type of culture exists and, based on those results, work with leadership to provide the necessary steps to create a comprehensive change plan.

Within the organization that is being evaluated by this author, change is not measured, it is assumed between both internal and external stakeholders. This writer plans to use the OCAI assessment in his department to help measure crop temperature and provide solutions to internal problems. Although this will be at the department level, this assessment could work wonders once the exposure has been given and solutions that work have been identified.


Zabid, Sambasivan and Azmanwani (2004) summarize this exercise stating that change is a departure from the present and a movement towards the future. The very meaning of change means doing differently or altering. Organizations will need to be held accountable for all phases of their transformational change, such as stakeholders, human resources, and organizational culture. Bringing in external consultants can help provide unbiased opinion to leadership to help execute these transformations of change. Without addressing each of these phases, organizations will find it very difficult to lead a successful transformation.


Cameron, KS and Quinn, RE (2011). Diagnose and change the organizational culture. San Francisco: Josser – Bass.

Duberley, JP and Burns, ND (1993). Organizational Configurations: Implications for the Human Resource Management Debate-Personnel. Personnel review, 22 (4), 26.

Edgley-Pyshorn, C. and Huisman, J. (2011). The role of the human resources department in organizational change in a British university, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 24 (5), 610-625.

Marino, JJ (2007). A new paradigm for organizational change: Involve clients and stakeholders in the improvement process. The Magazine of Quality and Participation, 30 (1), 10-12.

Zabid, AR, Sambasivan, M. and Azmawani, AR (2004). The influence of organizational culture on attitudes towards organizational change. Leadership and Organizational Development Magazine, 25 (1), 161-179.

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