
What are examples of databases for research?

databases for research

A variety of research databases is available online, both free and subscription-based. Many databases have a range of years they cover. You can look for the latest data in GeoRef, for example, or you can look for the oldest information in Evidence Based Medicine Reviews. Depending on the subject or purpose of your research, you can look for databases with a broader scope. There are also databases specifically designed for your particular field.

Unlike the internet, research database contain articles written by professionals. As such, they are much more reliable than search engines. They allow you to find scholarly resources without spending time hunting for information. Trusting a source is a major advantage when conducting research on unfamiliar topics. This type of database can also save you time. You can save a lot of time and energy by using a database. There are many types of databases and how to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Not all research databases have full-text articles available. Some databases only have abstracts. Check if you can find the full text of an article by looking for a link to the PDF or HTML full-text. If not, click on the Find It button to see if the full text is available in other databases. This is an especially useful tool if the database you’re using has a specialized limiter that restricts its scope to a particular subject.

What are examples of databases for research?

Databases can also provide information on subjects and keywords. Using a database thesaurus is a great way to discover the right words to use for a topic. For example, if you’re researching about college students, you might want to find articles on university students. The database may have articles on university students, but the terms may be different. Using a thesaurus is a good way to find articles on college students.

Another useful source of information for academics is PubMed. It contains articles in the medical and biology fields. You can read summaries and abstracts of them before downloading the full text. Many of these articles are free, but you can find high-quality resources for your research if you subscribe to a subscription service. You can search PubMed for any topic you’re working on, and access full texts of those articles.

You can use controlled vocabulary searches as well. These search terms look for a term within the subject heading and descriptor fields. Using subject terms helps you find more relevant results. While the subject terms are different for each database, most databases will support both. By searching using subject terms and keywords, you can find relevant results. You can also use quotation marks to limit your search to the language you’re most comfortable with.

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