
Why should you opt for yoga during pregnancy?

When given the option of practicing yoga during pregnancy, it’s natural for women to express skepticism. Only when they start a course do they realize how beneficial it is. Most women who battle their pregnancy problems with yoga have found this ancient art to be an effective weapon in avoiding physical discomfort and emotional insecurities, making the experience as joyful as it should be.

If labor is a miracle, then pregnancy is the journey that leads up to it. When you see a miracle happen before your eyes, it seems so amazing that you often tend to overlook the pain and the canvas behind its creation. Difficulties, depression and complications have long been attached to pregnancy to the point of being taken for granted. However, there is a way that could make life a little easier for the mom-to-be and the solution comes in the form of yoga.

By opting for yoga during pregnancy, women benefit in the following ways:

Helps overcome fear and anxiety Most yoga packages include meditation, which in turn leads to introspection. This allows the mother-to-be to cultivate the mental strength necessary to overcome stress, fear and anxiety. While stress is attributed to the daily changes that mark this condition, fear and anxiety stem from the unknown factor associated with the labor pains that characterize actual childbirth.

Physical preparation for childbirth – Since pregnancy causes a number of physical changes, not all yogic asanas would be suitable for this stage. Therefore, the practice during the first trimester should comprise asanas that do not endanger the pregnancy in any way. That being said, the yogic asanas during the second and third trimesters are meant to prepare and tone the muscles of the body with the intention of facilitating childbirth.

inner empowerment – The knowledge of yoga acquired during this phase enables the lady to remain calm and spiritually attuned at all times. This leads to greater inner strength and also cultivates confidence, both of which are important power boosters.

Stabilizes the breath The regular practice of pranayama, which involves systematic inhalation and exhalation, helps stabilize breathing and plays a key role in ensuring a rich and regular supply of oxygen to the baby.

Helps overcome related symptoms – Health problems like high blood pressure, morning and evening sickness, nausea, and lethargy are unavoidable during pregnancy. But the good news is that practicing yoga during pregnancy helps keep them at bay, and is sometimes effective at getting rid of them, too. Likewise, physical problems such as weight gain, stretch marks, and a tummy tuck can also be managed without resorting to extreme measures.

Practicing yoga during pregnancy is a decision that really helps women accept everything that this sacred phase heralds. It makes them capable of taking care of the physical, spiritual and mental needs of the baby with aplomb. The only word of caution is in identifying a teacher who is certified, knowledgeable, and trained in this type of yoga in order to benefit as intended.

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