
Will Hurricane Season Trigger El Niño?

With the record-breaking and unusually fierce 2005 hurricane season taking a big bite out of the Greek alphabet, one has to wonder; Whats Next? Will the hurricane season trigger El Niño on the West Coast with typical Malibu mudslides flooding the Pacific Coast Highway and multi-million dollar homes falling from the mountains again?

Well, a long and strong hurricane season that four out of five well-known climatologists prefer says that we will have activity that will spread to the Central American nations towards the Pacific regions and will head to Baja, we have seen two strong tropical storms so far and four hurricanes this year. If you have significant activity and push hurricanes into the Pacific at the end of the season, keeping the jet stream and trade winds lagging, you will have a harder time knowing if you can get a significant trend to cool the waters fast enough to get an LA Nina. However, it could still move forward if the hurricane season lasts late and problems such as volcanic eruptions, fires, Gulf War-type calamities pollute the skies over the Pacific by blocking ultraviolet rays and solar activity to heat water to the moderate rates necessary for normality. . Whatever it is.

Which means trying to figure out the weather is harder than hell, in layman’s terms, of which I am. Now we’ve talked about the hurricane season that will affect LA Niña, but can El Niño affect the hurricane season? Yes obviously everything is connected and the last time we checked for pollution, wind and rain, and hurricanes didn’t have to go through a checkpoint on any man-made border or lines drawn in the sand they fought with life a limb by a species that inhabits the surface killing its own species.

Which means, of course, that the climate doesn’t care what the country or the ocean that it flows or rains on is called. It is impartial in every sense of the word, or so the believing members of God of our race say in this millennium. Even with all the data and trends and all the information compiled by NASA and NOAA, they all claim they don’t know. There are no forward-looking statements as the Chicago Mercantile manipulates the trade based even on this friendly conversation on our website. Something to move the market as market makers take root in predictions like the late Harry Fishbeck of LA TV or the Hippy Dippy Weatherman of the ’60s and’ 70s?

Well the weather is always difficult to predict in the long term and this, like any other year, is too early to tell, although some call for a mild winter and this could also mean El Niño in the west, in any case it is something to think about; what weather is it?

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