
You better be ready

A new kind of criminal is looking for you. There is an increase in a certain type of crime that is not limited to stealing your jewelry or your wallet. This criminal is an expert in technology. He doesn’t want to take a few dollars from you. That is not your goal. Your goal is to take everything you own!

I mean hackers or cyber criminals.

Individual victims have lost everything due to hackers. Even large corporations have been raped. Thousands of people have had their personal data compromised.

You need comprehensive protection. Things like 24/7 credit monitoring, protection for your phones and computers, 24/7 identity monitoring, keystroke encryption, theft protection and even dark web monitoring.

This is the fastest growing crime in America and is projected to cost the world $ 6 trillion annually by 2021!

Advanced technology makes it easier than ever for smart and unscrupulous hackers (cybercriminals) to search the web and steal your private information. They will use this information to clean up your bank account. They can ruin your credit or even ruin it. You can lose your house, your cars, and your reputation. Even your job may be in jeopardy.

What would you do if thousands of dollars of fraudulent charges were applied to your credit cards? What if your Social Security Number was used to get a tax refund from the IRS?

Cybercriminals have bought houses, cars, and even gone on vacation with someone else’s personal identity. They have sold stocks and bonds and other assets and cleared 401K accounts. What would you do?

Today, along with Home Insurance, Life Insurance and Medical Insurance, you must protect your Identity. You have to take this seriously. Once hacked, you could lose everything. But the good news is that just a few pennies a day can keep you safe. Don’t become the next ‘hacker victim’!

As I write this, I think back to when I got hacked. Someone used my Social Security number and filed taxes to try to get a refund. That simple trick of my personal information took me over 3 months to fix. I had to go to the local police department and file a fraud complaint. Then I had to send that to the IRS. Then I waited and waited for them to respond.

The IRS finally admitted that fraud had been committed against me, but did not give me more details. That was frustrating. Now when I file taxes each year, I have to submit a special pin number that the IRS provides to prove that it really is me.

Overall, an unpleasant experience that cost me a lot of time and inconvenience. To avoid this hassle and gain access to excellent personal identity protection, visit:

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