Legal Law

Ecotourism and environmental responsibility

When responsible tourism can be implemented, the indigenous population is more likely to remain in their village or region rather than flee to the cities, where jobs can be more abundant. If you are not used to recycling, conserving water, or generally being kind to the environment, I urge you to take this opportunity to […]


Is Your Yorkshire Terrier Obsessed?

Yorkshire Terriers are cute little terriers that can be a bit “quirky.” Trying to determine if the Yorkie is just “being a Yorkie” or is obsessed can be relatively simple, and well … fun! That wacky, quirky behavior could also be due to serious medical issues. Here are some tips to help you understand Yorkie’s […]

Real Estate

FMCSA’s New Truck Safety Enforcement Program

In an attempt to strengthen enforcement of federal truck safety regulations, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) began implementing a new program this year, the Comprehensive Safety Analysis or CSA 2010. The centerpiece of this program is a new electronic database that will allow FMCSA investigators to more efficiently and effectively identify which commercial […]


Is Business Really A Team Sport?

To get you in the right mindset for this article, I ask you to visualize the following: You’re sitting in the locker room before the biggest game of the season with the rest of your team (hockey, basketball, volleyball, you choose). The season has gone exceptionally well and you are preparing to face your opponent. […]

Tours Travel

‘Willice Samuel’

‘Willice’ “One of the best in Philadelphia” Philadelphia, “E Pluribus Unum”, “Of the many, one!” Unlike other cities, life had been good for many people despite mass gentrification, politicization, politicized racial polarization, lawlessness, crime, capitalization, gun pollution, gun addiction, drug addiction, social disease, hunger, homelessness, incarceration, drug czars and gangs, police brutality and corruption, white […]

Arts Entertainments

Don’t follow the crowd

The only way to achieve something genuine is to not follow the crowd and come up with something creatively original. With that dramatically simple statement, I begin this article. The greatest dreamers who finally got “somewhere”, started out apparently crazy, “crazy” or worse and ended up being prophets of reality who won everything, even the […]


Science fiction in agriculture: Chatbot with your plants?

Precision farming is about managing variations in the field with precision, to grow more food using fewer resources and reducing production costs. It can make a difference in food production, meeting the challenge of a growing world population, and it can help farmers achieve: greater sustainability, environmental protection, higher productivity and economic benefits. What is […]


Dun and Bradstreet Paydex Business Credit Score

The main credit score used in the business world is known as the Paydex score provided by Dun and Bradstreet. This number assesses the credit risk of a business in the same way that a consumer credit score reflects the individual credit risk of a consumer. Paydex is essentially the business equivalent of your personal […]