Tours Travel

The downsides of downsizing your home

Although there are many advantages to downsizing your home, including both the financial advantages (e.g. lower mortgage, lower taxes, lower insurance, lower maintenance, etc.) and non-financial advantages (less maintenance, less stress). , more time to do the things you want to do, etc.), there are also downsides to downsizing your home. Some of the disadvantages […]


Rental income and taxes

Have you been considering acquiring a rental property or renting part of your home for income? This article will explain the basics of renting a property. For more information, visit the CRA website and search for rental income. Rental income is when you rent a property for someone else to use. Property is generally considered […]


Used car prices drop on hybrids and small models

Are you ready for a used car bargain? Consider a smaller model or a hybrid; Recent auto news reports detailed a dramatic drop in prices for subcompact and similarly sized cars. According to the latest trend report, an entry-level sports model saw a price reduction of about 2.1%, while subcompacts were down a whopping 2.8%. […]

Digital Marketing

Make a local SEO checklist

If you are trying to boost your search engine optimization, you may want to make a local SEO checklist. There are many different things that people put on their checklists, but they really help you find the best strategies out there. Use a goal setting checklist and it will really help you take your marketing […]