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5 home remedies to get rid of acne scars fast

Perhaps you have had acne for a while and successfully removed it by applying the various methods shared by experts and the like.

Now your acne is GONE, but it has left scars and you wonder what to do.

In this article, I will share with you some simple yet powerful ways on how you can get rid of your acne scars, interestingly, all the methods are do-it-yourself with materials that you can get from home.

lemon juice

The lemon juice that can be obtained from the lemon fruit is one of the most effective DIYs available today. It is known to be a powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and immune booster.

It contains citric acid, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium and other essential substances that help to remove acne scars.

Lemon juice helps to exfoliate the skin making the body tissues contrast and thus drying out the blemish.

This is how you can use lemon juice for best results. Wash affected area thoroughly to remove oil, dirt and sweat, pat dry with a clean towel.

Rub lemon juice on the affected area gently in circular motions. Ideally, you should do this once every three days before bed.

And in a matter of weeks your scars will not only disappear but you will be left with beautiful skin.


Papaya is another important home remedy material that is highly effective when it comes to acne scars and scars in general.

Its presence in most scar removal products reveals its effectiveness; It has properties that can remove dead skin cells and excess oil from the surface of the skin.

This is an effective way to get rid of scars. You can use papaya following this direction; Crush the papaya pulp to form a kind of paste,

Wash the affected area with water and pat dry with a clean towel. Apply the papaya paste on the affected area and leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water.

Apply a moisturizer if your skin shows a tendency to dry out, otherwise don’t apply anything.

Repeat this process as often as possible, but I would advise you to pay more attention to your skin’s response to this method as it will determine how often you should apply this method for best results.


This is also an effective method to quickly get rid of acne scars. Tomatoes are an excellent source of antioxidants,

minerals and vitamins that the skin needs in its fight against harmful bacteria. They also help the skin to rebuild its tissues.

An effective way to use tomatoes is this; cut tomatoes into small slices. Make sure there is juice in the slice; rub it on the affected area of ​​your skin.

Do this as your last routine before bed. It will gradually lighten your scars. Repeat this process daily and constantly until you see a noticeable difference in your skin.

Use an ice cube

Using ice cubes on your scars will cause a nice glow and firmness to your skin. Get 18-20 ice cubes;

rub it gently on your affected area (that area of ​​your skin where you have the scars), once the ice cube melts replace it with another do not allow your skin to heat up until you have completely used the whole cubes.

You may feel extremely cold and you may be tempted to stop but continue because of the result it will produce for you.

Do this consistently every night before bed; You will notice that your scars disappear in a matter of weeks.

It is important that you do this consistently for best results, skipping it some night might not give you the best result.


Cucumber is perhaps one of the most underrated natural skin care products. It has a high water content that allows it to hydrate the skin,

helps to refresh and revitalize the darkened and wrinkled part of the skin. Correct use of cucumber would give your skin that youthful look that people would admire.

Apply this method for an effective result;

Cut the cucumber into slices, remove the seeds and then mix the cucumber, add a teaspoon or two of lemon juice.

Stir well and apply it to the affected area of ​​your skin. Let it sit in this should take up to 20 minutes.

Then you can wash it with water. Do this consistently for two weeks and watch your scars disappear.

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