
Do’s and don’ts when shopping for baby clothes

Little babies are the most amazing and adorable creatures in this whole world. Babies have skin that is 5 times more sensitive than that of an adult, so they also need extra special care for each garment, whether it is clothes or baby products that we are using for them. If you don’t know what to buy for your new baby, you don’t have to be embarrassed or worried because there are many parents just like you.

Many new parents find themselves confused when it comes to shopping for clothes for their baby. From my experience I tell you that buying clothes for these adorable babies is a very exciting task. From the experience of raising 2 children, I’d like to share some do’s and don’ts when shopping for clothes for your baby.


1. Prioritize fabric:-

There are varieties of fabrics available in the market for baby’s sensitive skin. Always keep in mind that a baby’s skin is much more sensitive than you can imagine, that’s why parents should look for soft, smooth and skin-friendly fabrics. You can turn the fabric over and feel the softness with your hand. Babies get rashes easily, so try to avoid rough and rough things as they can damage the baby’s soft skin. Socotton is the best option. Cotton fabric shrinks 10% after first wash; buy 1 or two sizes before your baby’s actual size.

2. Comfortable clothes give you a happy baby:-

Always buy comfortable clothes for your baby. Avoid harsh stains on clothing. Look for collarless or soft collar tops. The collar and patches make the fabric adorable, but it does not feel comfortable on the baby and may cause rashes on the baby’s neck. You will regret it only after 5 minutes of putting it on your beautiful child’s body. Make sure the fabric you are buying has enough room to fit over the baby’s head; Placing a tight neck cloth across a newborn’s head can hurt the newborn in many ways.

3. Buy clothes according to the weather:-

Always buy clothing that is appropriate for your baby in different weather conditions. For the winter season, consider one-piece suits that even keep baby’s feet warm. Avoid something like sticks around the baby’s waist and make him feel comfortable. Do not buy jeans or pants, although they look fashionable but are not comfortable. For the summer season, look for open-neck cotton tops and soft shorts. Buy those cloths that can protect them from heat.

4. Save Money:-

Don’t buy exact baby size fabric, always choose 1 or 2 sizes up from your actual size, the reason is that babies grow fast and some fabrics shrink 10% after the first wash. Some stores sell clothes at cheaper prices when you buy them in sets, it does not mean that you buy all the clothes just for the summer. If your baby is 8 months old, also buy baby clothes from 14 to 18 months. You can even sell your old used baby clothes on various online websites.

not to do

1. Avoid choking hazards: –

Always avoid clothes with extra buttons and zippers, your precious baby may accidentally swallow them and from time to time always check for any loose buttons and broken zippers on baby clothes if there is any, fix it or change clothes. In the summer, buy baby open-neck t-shirts and for the winter season, buy one-piece sets without buttons on the sleeves.

2. Don’t buy expensive fashion clothes:-

Never buy expensive clothes for your baby, there are two reasons for this. The first is that babies grow faster, so soon those expensive clothes won’t be worth anything. Summer clothes are not suitable for winters and vice versa. The second most important reason is that fashionable clothes are not comfortable for babies, they have patches, zippers, extra buttons and many more that can irritate the baby’s skin and even leave red spots.

3. Don’t buy tight elastics:-

Try to avoid tight stretch pants, jeans, and t-shirt sleeves. The tight elastic fabric can make the baby extremely uncomfortable and may even scratch the part of the body where she rubs against the elastic. Always look for shorts or pants with soft stretch or no stretch. Always consider skin-friendly clothing for young children.

Some tips that parents should keep in mind:-

  • Buy soft colors for newborn baby.
  • Choose fabrics that do not create any problem in the baby’s breathing.
  • Try to find the reason if the baby cries constantly, the clothes might be bothering him.
  • Don’t buy tight clothes, always look for a size slightly larger than the baby’s actual size.
  • Choose clothes that are easy to put on and take off.
  • Baby gloves and socks should be extra soft. Take special care of the baby’s neck, hands, feet and waist.
  • If fashion tempts you, go for it, but stay in the baby’s comfort zone.
  • If there is a sale going on, don’t buy clothes in bulk for one season, think smart.

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