
Our faithful God calls, chooses, redeems and sends

Having been invited to try to sweep the Bible in ten weeks I thought it was virtually impossible for me, but I started and today we come to Genesis Chapter 12, we come to the call of Abraham, a new move of God. Read Chapter 12 because here is a source of blessing, not to be missed.

We got to Part 2 of a sweep of the Bible in ten weeks.

When God is doing something new, He always calls a man, raises a man, sends someone in the flesh to do a particular task.

Go, go, travel, and Abraham did not know where he was going when he left home, but the promise was, “I will make you.” Isn’t that so typical of Jesus? “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”

When we are chosen and called, we rarely know where it will end, and that’s for the best.

Through Abraham, people will be blessed, and that is also the case today. Through you, people will and can be blessed, if they choose to receive you and your ministry.

Verse 8 – Abraham pitched his tent and built an altar. We saw that when Noah came out of the Ark, the first thing he did was worship.

Abraham set up a tent, something temporary and movable, but he built an altar.

The worship was to be permanent, not just a passing phase.

But even when you are chosen and called, there can be problems and difficulties that you knew nothing about at the time of moving and flowing with God, a famine.

Chapter 15 – Abraham continues to move with God – and God continues to bless him through all his difficulties and problems.

Chapter 16 – she has no son – she has no son or heir – no one to pass on God’s promises – and Sarah and Abraham try to help God – and the consequences are a disaster. Ismael was born from whom the Arab people came.

It is 13 years of silence, and God speaks again, and a son is promised, and eventually Isaac is born.

Chapter 22 – Abraham is tested. Be prepared to be tested. Take your only son, this is your gift to the world, this is MY GIFT to the world, kill him, sacrifice him. And when God saw Abraham’s disposition, he intervenes and offers a sacrifice.

That day came when another only son brought firewood to the same hill and this time God the Father did not intervene.

We have Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – Jacob has twelve sons – one of them is Joseph – who is a dreamer – and who is sold to Egypt – as a result of sharing his dreams.

Joseph ends up in prison in Egypt, and the people who promise to help him will let him down, and forget about him, but God raises Joseph up to become Prime Minister of Egypt, in charge of the entire house of Pharaoh, Chapter 41, and Joseph. It is used to rescue the entire Middle East region in times of famine.

In chapter 50, Joseph and his family are reunited, verses 20 and 24.

400 years pass between the end of Genesis and the beginning of the Book of Exodus.

Things are bad, serious and painful for the Hebrews, the people of God.

Now we read about the first attempts to end this race of people – the first Pogrom.

God is about to do something new, and he raises up a leader, Moses, well educated and educated as a prince. God soon repeats Himself – Noah – Abraham – and now, Moses. Moses has to flee, and 40 years later, when he thought that nothing powerful would happen in his life, God intervenes. Exodus Chapters 1 to 3.

There is a battle, follow a series of battles, prepare for a battle or a series of battles. Moses and God – Moses and Pharaoh. Well, would you want to lose two and a half million slaves?

There are several plagues, the last one being the Passover, which Israel continues to remember today, and Paul writes that Jesus Christ is our Passover Lamb.

Take a lamb – Exodus chapter 12 – mark your doors with the blood of the lamb – the blood – eat the roast lamb – you will be in the lamb – and have the lamb in you. Be prepared to go, and they go, and cross the Red Sea, just to scream and grumble.

The Ten Commandments – and various other Commandments – and the Feasts that Israel must keep – are given these appointments with God. They would help keep Israel a special people. Leviticus is about being holy. Deuteronomy means the second installment of the law. Sometimes God has to speak to us more than once.

Deuteronomy Chapter 31 – Joshua will succeed Moses as the leader of the people. Moses, the man of God, dies. When we move to Joshua, God assures him of his holy presence. Joshua Chapter 1

Imagine how the people must have felt when Moses died – the end of an era. It is similar in Genesis chapter 25 when Abraham dies: Isaac and Ishmael come for the funeral. They hadn’t seen each other for years, isn’t this so common in our current life experience?

The Bible is so true to life, but there are no comments, just the facts.

People come and go, but there is a continuity of blessing.

Now is the time to take the land – there are victories and disappointments – Achan’s sin is recorded for us in Joshua chapter 7.

God does not hide these things from us – Abraham helping God – thinking that God cannot do what He said He would do – Moses does not want to lead – the Golden Calf incident – the ten spies who come with that sad report.

They are very human people, with weaknesses and failures, but they are chosen and God does not abandon them.

We have to hold on to that sometimes too. If God has called you and chosen you

He won’t give up on you either, despite your flaws, failures, and weaknesses.

II Corinthians Chapter 4 verse 7 – We have this treasure in clay jars to show that this supreme power is from God and not from us. “

Deuteronomy Chapter 7 verses 7 to 9 – “The Lord did not put his affection on you or choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples … it was because the Lord loved you … and he took you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of bondage. “

“Loving Father, as we sweep away part of Your Holy Word – we clearly see Your hand on Your chosen people – and in Christ Jesus, we too are called and chosen and given a very specific task and ministry. Speak to us through these Passages of the testament: we adore you in the name of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ “. Amen.

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