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Philosophical Theoretical Physics – Quantum Solar Energy Creating Power on the Night Side of the Planet

Einstein had called it “spooky action, at a distance,” which in many ways sums up in layman’s terms some of the observations found in quantum mechanics. It’s probably one of the most interesting topics in physics, and once we learn how it all works, we can certainly use this to our advantage by exploiting all the known laws of physics known up to this point, especially in areas such as communication, energy , healthcare, materials science, space travel, and just about everything else.

Over the years, I’ve run a group of think tanks, and one of the interesting jokes around here is that; “You must never start a war with an alien race that has mastered energy weapons.” Yeah, that should make all Trekkies happy, it’s probably something Spock could have said to Captain Kirk. Still, what if we add to that? What if we said that you should never start a war with any alien race (or group of humans) that has mastered quantum mechanics? Soon, the United States and other industrialized nations with super scientists will have mastered quantum mechanics and fully understand quantum physics.

That, my friends, is a game changer not only for computer security, but for everything else as well. It means that we will be able to send encrypted and coded messages through time and space; you can help us announce future events. In war that removes the element of surprise, and it means that you and perhaps also, unfortunately, your enemy have tools to change not only the way we see things, but the way we indulge in silly human conflicts that extinguish a large number of humans from their lives. experience.

There was an interesting article in MIT Technology Review not long ago titled; “Hybrid solar power works even when it’s not sunny: Government energy research agency is spending $30 million to prove cheap solar power is available day and night,” Kevin Bullis, posted July 31, 2013, which pointed out; “Solar power is getting cheaper, but its intermittency limits the amount of utilities that can depend on it. Combining the strengths of two different solar technologies could generate ‘hybrid solar power’ that works even at night or when is cloudy”.

You know what, when I read this article it made me think of something else. What happens if we remove the electrons from atoms at the atomic and molecular level and separate them? What if we then separated them quite a distance and found a way to communicate with each other, sending out certain vibrations that would shake and vibrate their shared pairs elsewhere in certain ways? If so, I would be sending information.

Could we then also send energy?

If we highly excited the atoms in a container under extreme heat and pressure, and their shared pairs were, say, on Mars in a container perhaps encapsulated with a carbon nanotube structure, then they too would start bouncing around inside creating energy elsewhere. . If we can do all this, we could bring it together on the other side of the planet creating extreme heat and vibrations of atoms in a closed container in China, with its shared pairs in the United States on the other side of the planet in the middle of the night, and also obtain energy, enough to create vibratory heat to run a steam turbine.

If so, we scale it as needed.

Why can’t we use quantum mechanics and quantum physics to transfer power to the places we need in remote locations and bypass transmission lines that lose power, cost money to build, and consume significant natural resources, not to mention look unsightly? Please consider all this and think about it.

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