
Signs and symptoms of a cheating spouse or partner

The signs and symptoms of a rebellious spouse or partner can be very subtle and hard to spot, or obvious and blatant.

1. Your Spouse suddenly becomes very interested in new music, when he has never shown interest before.

2. You notice your spouse or partner commenting on a movie, you know you didn’t watch it together; like “Yeah, that was awesome” or “That movie really sucked”, “Oh, I love the part when…”

3. Your man who has a disdain for doing laundry suddenly loves doing his own laundry; That being said, he also seems to schedule his laundry chores soon after he gets home.

4. The classic lipstick on the collar or other parts of your shirt. Also pay attention to unexplained shine.

5. Another obvious red flag is the smell of another man’s or woman’s cologne or perfume on your clothes or hair.

6. The techniques and styles of sex suddenly become extremely different and strange to you. I’m talking outside the norm here. They may find themselves in positions they’ve never done together before, or be asked to do things they’ve never been asked to do before.

7. Sex itself can take unexpected turns with respect to frequency. Your wayward spouse may suddenly request more sex than her normal routine, or drastically refuse to want it at all.

8. Your partner’s mood has changed. You notice that he is now easily angered, quickly irritated, or may deliberately fight with you to justify leaving the house for a “thinking walk.”

9. You may notice that they suddenly keep their cell phones on silent and strapped to their bodies at all times; whereas before, the phone was kept on the doorbell and placed safely and easily within arm’s reach somewhere within a room in the house.

10. You may notice that the cell phone is completely absent. He/she may be locking the cell phone in the car entirely and not bringing it home at all.

11. Cell phone bills stop coming into the house altogether. When you look up the bill online, you see a pattern of the same number or numbers being called.

12. You had access to the mobile bill online, but the password has suddenly changed.

13. Homework and chores are neglected. You notice that your partner is spending more time on the Internet or literally lounging on the couch with no interest in upkeep around the house. He/she is in a foggy state, thinking about the other person.

14. The time spent with the family also decreases. Interest in weekend activities with you and the children, attendance at children’s sports games, time spent alone with you, such as date nights, etc., are greatly reduced.

15. More and more sudden and inexplicable “business trips” keep appearing on the agenda.

16. You notice that your partner has a drastic new interest in their appearance. You may notice a lot of new clothes, new colognes or perfumes, new haircuts, new shoes, new and different underwear being bought.

17. You may also notice a sudden diet and exercise regimen. They may also have gotten a new gym membership to get in better shape.

18. You may notice that your internet browser history is always deleted. This is a big red flag to pay attention to. Anyone who deletes everything from history has something to hide.

19. In fact, you may be accused of having an affair.

20. You notice that your partner continually talks and talks about a member of the opposite sex. He/she may even try to disguise this person and claim that he/she is gay and there is nothing to worry about.

21. When you come face to face with your partner’s colleagues, you notice that they become sly and awkward in your company, often with very little to say to you or just offering nervous ramblings.

22. The same goes for mutual friends. If mutual friends suddenly feel uncomfortable around you, chances are they know something is up.

23. Use of new slang terms. If your partner suddenly gets excited about a new way of expressing language, when she has never said these kinds of words before, this is a sign and a red flag that she should pay attention to.

24. The mileage on the car does not match what it tells you you are driving. If you notice a sudden upward or downward spiral of mileage in the car, there is probably a problem.

25. You suddenly receive a large number of calls hanging up on your home phone; and along with this, the incoming number can be blocked from the caller end.

26. You suddenly find yourself out of functions, like work parties or awards dinners; whereas prior to this, spouses or significant others were always welcome.

27. You find yourself suddenly inundated with inexplicable gifts or offers to spend out of the ordinary; they are usually not related to holidays, birthdays, etc. “Just because” gifts are nice and all, but if your partner is often stingy and frugal and suddenly showers you with impressive materialistic items, it may be due to feelings of guilt. You know your partner more than anyone, so if their clothing spending suddenly skyrockets, that may be something to consider.

28. Your partner, who was once indifferent to your daily plans and activities, may suddenly make a point to constantly ask about them. If your partner suddenly wants to know your detailed plans for a certain day, such as what time you’ll leave the house, where you’ll actually be, and what time you’ll return home, you may be making sure that the coast is clear for your own activities.

29. Your spouse, once a credit card spender with no cash on hand, suddenly has large sums of unaccounted-for cash in his or her wallet.

30. Finding condoms in your purse or in your car, when you’ve already had your tubes tied or are on the pill.

31. Finding male enhancement pills or Viagra in your car or in your briefcase.

32. You notice on the cell phone bill that he/she is using a calling card frequently. Using a calling card on a cell phone prevents the phone company from recording the actual phone number dialed.

33. You are married, but your partner introduces you to new people (such as at a party or function) as your “first wife” or your “first husband.”

34. Your partner, who doesn’t normally get a “Down There” manicure, suddenly starts waxing or shaving.

35. You start to notice the new habit of your partner leaving the wedding ring at home before going to work. This can be obvious and visible, such as in the bathroom; Or you may accidentally find the ring hidden somewhere, like a cabinet. After he/she gets home, you notice that they put it back on. When faced with this problem, you are likely to receive a lame excuse such as “The ring is too tight or it hurts me at work.”

36. You notice unaccounted-for scratches, hickeys, or bruises on delicate parts of your body, such as your neck, breasts, chest, or genital areas.

37. Notice on a group signed party/greeting card (work related) that someone of the opposite sex signs their name with a scribbled heart at the end or signs it “Love.”

38. You find a “Just Because” thank you card from a member of the opposite sex tucked in their briefcase, thanking them for the “Special Friendship” they have and thanking them for any “Help or Advice” they give; and that they cannot imagine life without them.

39. Items similar to unaccounted for gifts appear in the home, such as special cufflinks, ties, colognes/perfumes, lingerie/underwear, or jewelry that you know you did not give to your spouse.

40. That persistent and disturbing “feeling” that something is not right becomes constant and distracting. Instincts are rarely wrong.

41. You and your partner used to enjoy a flowing conversation, whereas now you mumble to each other at the end of the day, followed by stale, stagnant conversations for the rest of the night. You notice that your partner has lost interest in sharing feelings, dreams, and visions for your future together. You may literally find yourself sitting on the couch together all night with very little attention.

42. You may notice that the passenger side of the car is always refitted, which doesn’t fit your normal seating pattern; or you may find strands of hair that do not belong to you or your children in the interior of the car.

43. They usually take family vacations together as a family, but he/she suddenly goes alone.

44. You get hit with a fit of rage over the most benign and innocent questions. You start walking on eggshells in bewilderment and are afraid to even approach your spouse with questions.

45. Your joint bank accounts suddenly have fewer deposits in them, or suddenly large amounts of withdrawals are made; without their mutual consent.

46. ​​You do a Google search on their name and discover a MySpace or Facebook account they didn’t tell you about. Along with this, he performs a Google search for known screen names that they have used in the past and finds out that they belong to forums of a sexual nature.

47. Similarly, you run his name or email address into a social media search engine and find him belonging to places you never knew about.

48. You discover a secret PO Box that they have rented. Along with this, you may notice incoming bills, especially credit card bills that no longer show up at your home address. Also keep in mind that bills may be mailed directly to your office instead of to your home.

49. You were once free to roam on your home computer only to discover that your spouse has set up a password-sensitive security system that you can no longer access. He/she can create dual accounts on the same PC, but her/his own account may suddenly become inaccessible.

50. You notice that he/she has set up a remote desktop location account on the PC and is accessing another computer entirely from home.

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