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Stressed Students: Take 10 Steps to a Healthy 2007

Christmas break is (unfortunately) over and your spring semester is in full swing. You have books to read, tests to study for, and papers to write. You can’t afford to miss class. You don’t have time to get sick.

The reality is that students get sick. You stress out about all your academic commitments, skimp on sleep, binge on junk food, and then when your compromised immune system brushes up against some germs, well, it passes the tissues. Fortunately, there are ways to keep your energy levels up and strengthen your immune system, which is able to ward off stress and fight infection. If you’re looking for ways to keep your mind, body, and spirit healthy in 2007 and beyond, practice these 10 simple affirmations:

1. I will allow myself enough sleep each night to fully rest my body, recharge my batteries, and support my immune system to protect against disease.

2. I will exercise every day doing things I enjoy, even if it means taking a 20-minute walk between classes.

3. I will pay attention to my emotions and find positive ways to calm my mind and body when I am stressed. I’ll try to breathe deeply; yoga or I’ll call a friend and do something fun!

4. I will follow my intuition about what is right for my future and I will not be influenced by the expectations and demands of others.

5. Before saying “yes” (again) to something or someone, I will ask myself: “Is this new task in line with my goals? Will saying yes make me happy? Do I have time to add something else to my schedule?” What will I have to sacrifice if I say yes to this new activity? Be honest and don’t be afraid to put your own needs first from time to time!

6. I will be grateful for the body I was born with, taking the time to appreciate its unique wonder. I will be proud to know that I am able to judge my own body by my standards, not by the unrealistic standards of the media/advertisers.

7. Sometimes I’ll jump before I look, take a chance, and give my dreams a chance to come true.

8. I will stop analyzing the past, worrying about the future and start living well in the present. Really, really LIVE. Every day, take a moment to appreciate things as they are.

9. I will nourish my body with healthy, whole foods that will give me more energy, strength, and stamina to live life to the fullest. I will remember that eating healthy is not about looking good in my jeans, but about how it makes me feel inside and out.

10. I will remember to be easy on myself and laugh at my mistakes. After all, I am fabulously human and I have MANY moments of imperfection.

Laugh some more. Worry a little less. 2007 could be your healthiest year yet!


· Have you ever gotten sick during final exam week every year?

Do you think stress plays a role in compromising your immune system?

Shoot me an email and let’s discuss this. I love hearing from the students!

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