Health Fitness

The oath to give up alcohol

I want to share my stop drinking oath to people who have not been successful in treating the problem. Promises are meant to be broken as they say, but I want to make it clear that it can be done as long as the person is finally willing to change their ways and here it is:

I will refrain from drinking because I do not like to look ugly when I am old.: People who drink liquor lose the elasticity of the skin. It becomes dry and breakouts can occur on facial skin that once had a matte finish. Wrinkles can start to appear prematurely as a result of alcohol intake. This could make a thirty year old look ten years older or even more. The worst part is that what used to be a handsome or pretty face now looks wrinkled like crepe paper.

I’ll never indulge again: Why drink again if you can not give what the body really needs? The body requires the right type of food to allow its system to do its job. Feeding it essential nutrients will ensure a smooth flow from within. The consumption of the substance can cause an unimaginable number of diseases. Diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, hypertension and cancer are the bonuses that we can get from this vice.

I want to have a well balanced mind.: Under the influence does not assure anyone of a sound mind. There will never be a good decision from a drinker and, furthermore, good judgment cannot emanate from him either. It is not wise to think that a mind can function better when the person has drunk liquor. Liquor is toxic and is in contrast to the vitamins and minerals that make the body work. As these essential elements are food for the brain, this liquid substance is poison since it degenerates with its presence; a stop drinking it means keeping a healthy mind.

I will find another means of diversion.: Alcohol can cause headaches and body aches so it is not appropriate to take it as a form of entertainment. Relaxation means allowing your body to relieve stress. Drinking liquor can cause a headache when taken in excess and makes you feel uncomfortable. Since stress-related work burns you through the week, alcohol headaches don’t go well with the kind of fun tactics you’d like to be in on. Exercise may be enough for this or engaging in sports would be the best alternative.

I want to change my lifestyle:Being alcohol free means worry free in the future. Since friends and family have warned you about the impediments quitting smoking can cause, this is a very welcome idea. One can start over and go back and recover the relationships that were lost along the way. It’s a good idea to change your current lifestyle into something that these people who love you so much can be a part of.

I would like to see my children grow up.: Everyone dreams of starting a family of their own. A healthy family is one of the things we look forward to. How can a person raise one if there is a bottle lying on the table or in every corner of the house? Children copy what their parents do and see them as models; you want to be the person they can look up to. As they say: practice what you preach and by doing so, you earn respect not only within the family but also within society. So it’s okay to give up alcohol and be the kind of person you’d like to be.

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