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Tithing: The Active Ingredient for Living a Prosperous Life

True prosperity has a spiritual foundation. “God is the Source of his supply.” So says Catherine Ponder in her wonderful book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. Just as we engage God through prayer for what we affirm to be true, and spiritually connect with God through the practice of meditation, we also give the GIFT of tithing to constantly stay in touch with the Infinite Source of our supply. God.

“Systematic delivery paves the way for systematic reception,” according to Dr. Ponder. Giving God 10% of what we have received to people or places where you are receiving your spiritual food allows you to enjoy true prosperity with wonderful results.

The practice of the ancient law of prosperity is as old as us as a species. From early man offering sacrifices to their gods to the evolving civilizations of the Egyptians, Babylonians and Arabs, Greeks, Romans and Chinese, tithing (the word “tithe” means “tenth”) was a way of life. “The ancients intuitively knew that giving, sharing, and putting God first financially was the first step to permanent and lasting prosperity,” writes author Ponder. They felt that ten was the magic number of increase.

Some of the most prominent millionaires of the 20th century attributed their extraordinary success to the practice of tithing. Catherine Ponder reports: “In 1855, when he was a young man, John D. Rockefeller began tithing. His total income for that year was $95.00 of which he tithed $9.50 to his church.” . However, she goes on to say, “Between 1855 and 1934, he donated $531 million. His standard response to critics of his generosity was ‘God gave me my money.'”

Many of the get-rich-and-rich schemes focus on “getting” and forget about “giving.” These schemes are not based on a spiritual foundation. When God is in the equation, wealth (which means well-being and fulfillment) is assured.

So what are we really doing when we give the GIFT of tithing? We are saying, “Thank you, God” for the generosity we have received. I recently read the most revealing paragraph in Joel Goldsmith’s book, Consciousness Transformed. In it he states: “A mistake has been made on the issue of tithing. Since it was discovered that he who tithes never knows lack or limitation, it was believed that if people were taught this, they would always be prosperous.” writes the founder of the Infinite Path. “This is not true,” he continues. “Tithing is something that can only happen when people inwardly receive a realization of the great gifts they have received from God and, in gratitude, decide to share a part of them,” says Joel. “This sharing is only with the idea of ​​thanksgiving for the realization of God’s grace, and it is for this reason that those who spontaneously come to tithe are always generously and abundantly provided for,” concludes Mr. Goldsmith. Tithing is the active ingredient of Gratitude that prospers not only the tither but also the recipient of the tithe.

Tithing is the act of giving thanks for the 100% we receive by leaving 10% with our Source, that is, the person(s) or place(s) where we become aware of God’s Presence in our lives. . Traditionally, tithing has been associated with giving to the place of worship where we belong. Often, “theologians have tended to emphasize what the tithe would do for the church, rather than what it could do for the tither,” says Dr. Catherine Ponder. However, upon closer examination of tithing as a spiritual practice (not a mechanical one of obligation), we can only conclude that it is the individual who will be prospered and blessed through tithing. Naturally, the recipient will be too, since everything is God.

There are countless stories of the financial and prosperous success that comes from giving the GIFT of tithing. “Because I’ve been tithing, I have more money to spend, not less,” reports a student in this class. “I put my degree in last week and suddenly the check I’ve been waiting for months came in the mail.” “Since I started this class and started giving the GIFT of tithing, my house has been sold.” The stories go on and on. I’ve also heard this one repeated: “I was thriving financially and in many ways when I was in class, but I stopped tithing after it ended and I’m right back in the same ‘soup’ I was in before.”

So what can you expect when you start giving the GIFT of tithing?

o Fear usually appears. I don’t have enough now. How I can…?

o Memories of previous associations with the word “tithe” may arise.

o Confidence will become the platform on which to walk as you begin this practice.

o A surprise may come when you notice how much money you have to use after giving 10% to God.

o Doubt may arise when the above is not the immediate experience or when unexpected expenses appear instead.

o You may be surprised at the wisdom and judgment you are using to manage the money you have been given.

o You will enjoy the ease with which you can meet your financial obligations.

o You will notice that your connection with God deepens and thus your spiritual life expands and your wealth consciousness grows.

o You will find that you want to give more than 10% to a variety of spiritual food places.

o You may wonder how you ever managed to live without giving the GIFT of tithing.

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