Health Fitness

Why is everyone making Pace Express’s 12 minute Fitness Revolution DVDs?

Wait a minute. This is not just your average exercise program. I have been in exercise for over forty years. I feel like I’m thirty, so somehow the math doesn’t work. Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, I have bought and used hundreds and hundreds of fitness DVDs and DVD sets. A little later, I will review many of them for you.

My favorite DVD game of all time is Dr. Al Sear’s show called “Pace Express 12-Minute Fitness Revolution.” I have been doing it every day for the last ten weeks. If you’re wondering how to lose weight for good, check out Dr. Al Sears and Pace Express. When you read about “Pace Express” you will instantly understand why I am so enthralled with this program. Imagine for a minute that you just woke up and were getting ready for your day or just finished a very busy day. The idea of ​​putting on a fitness DVD and working out for half an hour or an hour is probably exactly what you don’t want to do. Your reasons could be; too tired, I don’t have enough time, my knees hurt, I don’t lift weights, I don’t have exercise equipment, I don’t like to exercise, etc. As you can see, excuses are not lacking. What would you say if I told you that with “Pace Express”:

It’s fun and easy.

Quick and easy weight loss

Everyone keeps telling me that I look great and somehow younger. (That’s a compliment that brings a big smile to my face) Weight loss perfection must be in your eyes. You decide what weight you feel great with.

It only takes 12 minutes a day. When I finish, I feel energized and relaxed at the same time.

It requires no additional exercise equipment apart from you.

Anyone can do these exercises, at almost any age. You choose which athlete you want to follow. Did I say it’s fun? Unlike other exercise DVDs, the beginner instructor actually shows you what to do at a beginner level. You can also mix and match the intensity of the exercises during the 4 minutes. Some exercises you can be a beginner, others an intermediate and still others advanced.

It’s a simple approach to exercise that works.

This 4-part bonus DVD includes:

Express Fit and Flexible Stretch Training

Advanced Abdominal Training

Hips, buns and thighs training

And an exclusive interview with PACE creator Dr. Al Sears, MD

Ten weeks ago I opened the Pace Express package and started the program right away. I remember how excited I was. Ten weeks later, I am still anxiously planning my 12 minute workout. I love doing it and I feel wonderful when I’m done and I’m going to do it forever.

In the past, when I got sick, which is not that often, not being able to exercise took me out of my routine. Here is another great benefit of this program. When I was sick, I did all 3 sets of 4 minutes each in “slow motion.” It didn’t raise my heart rate during those 12 minutes but it made me feel better. Then, as soon as I was back to health, I gradually increased my heart rate again the easy Pace Express way. For me it’s a win, win situation. I know you will love it if you give it a try.

Your PACE Express package comes complete with six DVDs of six weeks of exercises (11 different exercises total) with six 12-minute exercises on each disc. Each workout consists of three sets of four-minute exercises for a total workout time of just 12 minutes! Simply put in a new disc each week and start seeing results!

Please note the following before using this product:

Consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise and nutrition program. You should always warm up for a few minutes before starting any workout.

Not all exercises are right for everyone, and this or any exercise program can lead to injury. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain during exercise.

If at any time you feel that you are exercising beyond your physical capabilities or experience discomfort, dizziness, or nausea, you should stop exercising immediately.

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