Digital Marketing

Five strategies for organic SEO

Of all the internet marketing strategies in use today, organic search engine optimization, or organic SEO, is one of the oldest and most battle-tested methods of achieving top rankings in search results. Organic SEO works to build rankings for websites based on having highly relevant content that is applicable to the keyword phrases that users […]

Digital Marketing

New Age Health, Healing and Wellness Buzzwords: What Do They Mean to You?

Of all the popular “new age” search terms in the health and healing category, my personal favorite is holistic healing. This term, it seems, embodies all the others, such as spiritual healing, soul healing, healing meditation, chakra, energy healing, spiritual journey, and metaphysics. Some of these terms are specific methodologies like Chakra and guided meditation, […]

Digital Marketing

Hip Hip Anime!

The large, bright eyes, brightly colored hair, dark nose, and exaggerated facial expression remind me of only one thing. Can you guess what it is? If your answer is Anime, then BINGO, you just read an otaku’s mind! Anime (pronounced: “Ah-nee-may”) is a type of animation generally from Japan. They have their own style and […]