
Scared Silly: How to Treat Noise Phobia in Dogs

Many dog ​​owners have to deal with the frenzy of a stressed dog becoming completely possessed during a thunderstorm or other loud noise. Noise phobia is a common problem in dogs, and while it is not harmful in and of itself, it causes a lot of stress and anxiety, and can lead to dangerous and life-threatening situations if the dog runs away in an effort to escape the noise.

Many dogs have been lost like this, some with fatal consequences. I myself have owned no less than five dogs that I have personally pulled off a busy road on several occasions and was unable to reunite with their original owners. Four of those five dogs suffered from noise phobia, and when the thunder sounded I had to dive for the dog calmettes (two have sadly passed away after living long and happy lives as my little orphans).

The problem with administering soothing medications and potions is that it does not cure the problem and if you are not available to administer the medication, your dog will continue to be traumatized by the loud noises. Also, if you are not there to appease your dog or offer him some comfort, he may get scared and run away.

However, help is available in the form of a CD Clix Noises & Sounds Therapy for Dogs. This Fireworks and Noise Desensitization Training CD is an ingenious solution to solving noise phobia problems in dogs; in fact, it can even work to desensitize other animals, such as horses.

The CD Clix Noises & Sounds Therapy is especially helpful in desensitizing puppies to a variety of noises and sounds to prevent noise phobia from developing at a later stage.

For dogs already suffering from noise phobia, the situation can be rectified by presenting the sounds from the CD at a low volume and then gradually increasing the volume level to desensitize your dog to getting used to the surrounding din.

The CD contains a total of 30 different soundtracks covering the most common noises your dog is likely to experience, divided into 4 different noise categories. The following sound categories are covered: Bangs, which includes fireworks, gunshots, and thunderstorms; transportation, which includes sounds of trains, planes, buses, and road work activities; general household noise, including that of a lawnmower and vacuum cleaner; and noises from people, such as children yelling and screaming, loud crowds, and crying babies. The Clix Noises & Sounds Therapy CD for Dogs comes with a training manual that offers guidance on the most effective use of the Noise CD to desensitize your dog to all kinds of loud sounds and knocks.

This is a must for anyone who has a dog that is terrified of loud noises, and it is highly recommended that all dog owners prepare their pet for the sound of fireworks well before Guy Fawkes night, which will be about us shortly. November 5. Taking the time and effort to prepare your pet for scary events like fireworks, thunder, and other heavy blows, can prevent your dog from escaping into a terrified frenzy and may even save his life.

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